Lead — (von engl. to lead = „(an)führen“, [liːd]) hat unterschiedliche Bedeutungen: Lead (Titularbistum) Eine Stadt in der Nähe von Rapid City, siehe Lead (South Dakota). Leadklettern; Variante des Sportkletterns Marketing / Vertrieb: Die erfolgreiche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Qualified Teacher Status — (QTS) is required in England and Wales to become, and continue being, a teacher in the state and special education sectors. Similar statuses exist in the rest of the United Kingdom (Scotland and Northern Ireland), but under different… … Wikipedia
Qualified Production Activities Income — is a class of income which is entitled to favored tax treatment under Section 199 of the United States Internal Revenue Code. [26 U.S.C. 199.] History Former section 114 of the United States Internal Revenue Code excluded extraterritorial income… … Wikipedia
qualified — qual|i|fied S3 [ˈkwɔlıfaıd US ˈkwa: ] adj 1.) having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job well/suitably/highly qualified ▪ Dawn is well qualified for her new role. qualified to do sth ▪ The guides are… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Online lead generation — is a marketing term that refers to the creation or generation of prospective consumer interest or inquiry into a business products or services online. Leads can be generated for a variety of purposes list building, e newsletter list acquisition,… … Wikipedia
Sales lead — A sales lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service, and represents the first stage of a sales process. The lead may have a corporation or business associated (a B2B lead) with the… … Wikipedia
Sales Lead — A prospective consumer of a product or service that is created when an individual or business shows interest and provides his or her contact information. Businesses gain access to sales leads through advertising, trade shows, direct mailings and… … Investment dictionary
Extension to qualified majority voting under the Treaty of Lisbon — The Extension to qualified majority voting under the Treaty of Lisbon refers to the areas where decisions in the Council of the European Union under the Treaty of Nice required unanimity but where the Treaty of Lisbon allowed decisions under… … Wikipedia
Cost per Lead — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising … Wikipedia
Post-click marketing — [ [http://www.ioninteractive.com/articles/2006/8/1/the seven principles of post click marketing.html The Seven Principles of Post Click Marketing] ] is a term that refers to Internet marketing initiatives directed at respondents who have just… … Wikipedia
MyNewPlace — is one of the largest apartment listing websites in the United States. Contents 1 History 2 Website features 3 Investors 4 References … Wikipedia